Outpatient Pharmacist or Store Wala ?

Working in one of the most successful cities for Pharmacists in Pakistan I have certain observations. These observations are based on the experience I gained while working in an anti-Pharmacist environment.

Being a Pharmacist I have always worked with enthusiasm. Most of the times I have tried not to let them pile up on my mind to affect my productivity. But more or less it has always taken a place central thinking compartment to depress me.

Patient with a wrong prescription are always welcome to a Pharmacist. Who is ready to start checking the proper elements of the prescription. Physician's prescribed medications, their doses, frequency of taking them, route of administration are among the few. Additionally, fighting with the artistic nature of physicians hand drawings are not to mention.

Atlast when prescription is corrected a step comes to counsel the patient or meanwhile an additional information is required to understand the prescription of doctor. Patient acts like we are interrogating them with questions not to be asked instead of understanding the importance and nature of these queries from a qualified person who will them let the stuff flow in favour of patient's benefit.

Aside from this a Store Wala here in localities acts better to run his shop cum Pharmacy. Where only drug name and quantities are only needed. At the end of the day they enjoy a day without arguments, verbal fighting etc. Despite of understanding the criticality of wrong practice.

May Pharmacist wins always. May Store Wala's hire proper Pharmacy Walas in their stores..