Since evening this question has been on my mind which was asking by a patient on Pharmacy window. Are you a Doctor or a Pharmacist ? Well spontaneously I replied I am a Doctor of Pharmacy. then left for his medications to be dispensed. While giving cash he asked again. Hope you did't mind my question. Well, this time I had to answer this question with double meaning to let this little meeting finish with a healthy conversation. I simply replied that "on daily basis absorbing so much negative criticism from people who doesn't even know who are Pharmacists, we feel angry".
Later on he apologizes for being so straight forward about the question. Then he shared about his experience with newcomers being in an interview panel of some multinational company. Most of the candidates reply We are Pharmacists. Well that's not a correct answer. You are Pharmacist, with a degree of Doctor of Pharmacy.
With his reply and his sharing about the matter it settled a little conversation but I was happy to know the perspective of a Pharmacist who has spent his most of the life as a marketer or sales representative. After so much years when he sees new candidates with upgraded degrees he still finds for a hope to give courage and let the new comers understand about the profession of Pharmacist.
A Pharmacist will always be Pharmacist no matter what and how much he upgrades the degrees.